May Fly
Route discovery
Technique and Pleasure
North of Paris, the Hauts de France offers beautiful routes where you have to live privileged moments over the years. Will you save yourself understand the famous ephemera danica?
BOOKING YOUR DATESFacts your choice
Seasonal fishing from May to mid-June. This is no longer the moment of heir!
Prices from, equipment loan, off transport and fishing card.
Discovery offer: 3 fishermen maximum per reservation, prices degressive depending on the number of participants. Privilege offer: individual guidance and personalityPRIVILEGE OFFER PRIVATE COURSE
Rate on request
- Flexible hours
- Exclusive access
- 2km of course
- Non-fishing
- Possible Wading
Sablo-limonous substrate. Alternating dishes and deep, written off, stumps and roots. Beautiful animations by Ephemera Danica.
BOOKCredit card
30% down payment on booking
30% down payment on booking
Checks and cash
30% down payment on booking